Supplementary Materials The following are available online at, Table S1: Clinical and biological features of the 9 patients classified as putative aspergillosis according to Blot et al., 2012. Click here for additional data file. Author Contributions Conceptualization, J.-P.G., F.R., H.G., J.-M.T. and F.R.-G.; Data curation, J.-P.G., H.G., R.P., M.L. and F.R.-G.; Formal analysis, J.-P.G., F.R., H.G., M.L., J.-M.T. and F.R.-G.; Investigation, J.-P.G., F.R., H.G., K.P., P.L.B., R.P., E.P., S.B., M.L.S., Y.L.T., P.S., M.L. and J.-M.T.; Methodology, J.-P.G., F.R., H.G.and F.R.-G.; Project administration, J.-P.G.; Resources, J.-P.G, F.R., H.G., K.P., P.L.B., R.P., E.P., S.B., M.L.S., Y.L.T., P.S., M.L., J.-M.T. and F.R.-G.; Software, F.R.; Supervision, J.-P.G. and F.R.-G.; Validation, J.-P.G., Y.L.T. and F.R.-G.; Writing—original draft, J.-P.G. and F.R.-G.; Writing—review & editing, F.R., H.G. and J.-M.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding This research received no external funding. Conflicts of Interest J.-P.G. received funds for communications and congress attendance from Pfizer and Gilead. The other authors declare they have no conflict of interest.