Table 1 Patient Characteristics, Clinical Course, and Outcomes. Patient Age/Sex Living Situation Movement Disorder (Duration in Years) Comorbidities Clinical Picture Requiring SARS-CoV-2 Testing Signs/Symptoms Developed during Clinical Course Hospital Admission(Yes/No) Pharmacological Interventions Outcome 1 79/M House Parkinson disease with Dementia(13 years) HTN, CKD stage 3, prostate cancer fever, rigors, emesis, diarrhea, lethargy, confusion, ARDS, hypotension lethargyconfusion hypotension Yes Amantadine 100 mg BID * Died 2 72/M ECF (NH) Hydrocephalus, Secondary Spasticity (DDD, Stroke), multifactorial gait disorder(3 years) HTN, strokes nasal congestion, lethargy, generalized weakness, fever lethargyconfusion hypotension Yes Hydroxychloroquine, Memantine 10 mg BID * Died 3 83/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia(8 years) HTN, CAD, DM2 dyspnea, fever, lethargy, delirium, confusion, ARDS lethargy, deliriumconfusion, hallucinations, myoclonus, asterixis, hypotension Yes Oseltamivir Died 4 67/M Apartment Parkinson disease (10 years) HTN, CAD, DM2, cardiomyopathy dyspnea, diarrhea, lethargy, nausea, vomiting lethargy, worsening of gait instability, worsening of tremors No Amantadine 100 mg BID * Recovered 5 40/M ECF (NH) Parkinsonism, Ataxia (28 years) HTN could not obtain could not obtain No Amantadine 137 mg qHS * Recovered 6 71/F House Parkinson disease (3 years) DM2, meningioma generalized weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, lethargy lethargy, delirium, bradyphrenia, dizziness, generalized weakness Yes Recovered 7 77/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia and Psychosis (8 years) Afib, nOH lethargy, cough, dyspnea Lethargy No Recovered 8 77/M House Parkinson disease (3 years) nOH, CKD stage 3, LBBB CVD lethargy, cough, dyspnea, loss of appetite, fever lethargy, hypotension Yes Recovered 9 33/F ECF (GH) Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation type 5 with Dementia(15 years) dyspnea, cough, fever lethargy, hypotension Yes Hydroxychloroquine Died 10 82/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease (11 years) SDH, bladder cancer, prior ETOH abuse gait instability with falls, lethargy, fever, hypotension lethargy, confusion, worsening of gait instability, hypotension Yes Recovered 11 69/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia (6 years) Strokes, CAD, HTN dyspnea, fever, lethargy, confusion, ARDS lethargy, confusion, hypotension Yes Hydroxychloroquine Died 12 68/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease (10 years) PVD fever, cough, dyspnea No Hydroxychloroquine Died 13 77/M House Parkinson disease with Dementia (6 years) HTN, CKD stage 3, Atrioventricular Block Asymptomatic lethargy, delirium, confusion, worsening of gait instability, syncope, generalized weakness Yes Recovered 14 77/M ECF (ALF) Lewy Body Dementia (9 years) HTN, CAD, RBBB CVD, paroxysmal Afib, DM2 fever, confusion, lethargy, hypoxia, hypotension lethargy, confusion, poor concentration, hypotension Yes Memantine 10 mg BID * Recovered 15 87/M House Lewy Body Dementia (3 years) HTN, PAD, Basal cell carcinoma cough, body aches delirium, urinary incontinence No Recovered 16 61/M ECF (ALF) Lewy Body Dementia (19 years) nOH lethargy, confusion, delirium, generalized weakness, hypotension, cough, dyspnea lethargy, confusion, delirium, hypotension Yes Died 17 76/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia and Psychosis(8 years) HTN, CAD, LBBB CVD, CKD cough, dyspnea, lethargy, confusion, worsening of tremors lethargy, confusion, worsening of gait instability, worsening of tremors, hypotension Yes Recovered 18 68/F ECF (NH) Progressive Supranuclear Palsy(5 years) DM2, Breast Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma could not obtain could not obtain No could not obtain Died 19 55/F House Tourette Syndrome (45 years) generalized weakness, dyspnea, cough generalized weakness Yes Recovered 20 72/M House Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Dementia(5 years) Cervical Dystonia fever could not obtain No could not obtain Died 21 59/M House Cerebellitis due to SARS-CoV-2 Infection(0 years) HTN anosmia, dyspnea, cough, fever, lethargy lethargy, confusion, bradyphrenia, ataxia, gait instability, anosmia No Recovered 22 90/M ECF (NH) Lewy Body Dementia(3.5 years) HTN, Afib, CAD, Skin Cancer cough, nasal congestion No Recovered 23 70/F House Essential Tremor(40 years) Mantle Cell Lymphoma (on ibrutinib, s/p stem cell transplant), HTN, DM2 generalized weakness, lethargy, fever, cough, dyspnea, anorexia lethargy, generalized weakness, hypotension, worsening of tremors Yes Hydroxychloroquine Recovered 24 81/F ECF (ALF) Parkinson disease with Dementia(5 years) HTN, Rheumatoid Arthritis (on Methotrexate) dyspnea, cough confusion Yes Recovered 25 74/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia(19 years) could not obtain could not obtain No could not obtain Recovered 26 65/F House Tourette Syndrome(52 years) Sarcoidosis, Asthma, Afib cough, myalgia, lethargy, fever lethargy No Oseltamivir Recovered 27 87/M ECF (ALF) Vascular Parkinsonism (23 years) Afib, COPD, CHF, PVD, DM2, HTN, CKD Stage 3, history of melanoma, history of bladder cancer fever, cough, dyspnea, myalgia, generalized weakness, lethargy confusion, lethargy, bradyphrenia, generalized weakness Yes Died 28 65/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease (10 years) HTN, CHF, prior PE, PVD, history of ovarian cancer lethargy, generalized weakness, myalgia, fever generalized weakness, lethargy Yes Recovered 29 75/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia and Psychosis(12 years) Fever, dyspnea, myalgia, generalized weakness, confusion confusion, generalized weakness, hypotension Yes Died 30 82/M House Parkinson disease(5 years) Afib, Atrioventricular Block, CKD stage 4 cough, fever, anorexia, confusion confusion Yes Hydroxychloroquine Recovered 31 69/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia, Tardive Dyskinesia(23 years) delirium, lethargy, dyspnea, diarrhea delirium, lethargy No Recovered 32 80/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus(10 years) CAD, CHF, DM2, HTN cough, lethargy, confusion, dyspnea, hypoxia, abdominal pain lethargy, confusion Yes Recovered 33 78/F ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia(28 years) nOH, HTN dyspnea, hypoxia confusion Yes Died 34 71/M House Parkinson disease with Dementia(3 years) ESLD, HTN, DM2, CHF, CKD Stage 5 dyspnea, cough, generalized weakness, confusion, delirium, lethargy confusion, delirium, generalized weakness, lethargy Yes Hydroxychloroquine Recovered 35 78/M ECF (NH) Parkinson disease with Dementia(8 years) CAD, paroxysmal Afib, cardiomyopathy, HTN, ischemic stroke fever, dyspnea, cough, hypoxia hypotension Yes Hydroxychloroquine Recovered 36 83/M ECF (ALF) Lewy Body Dementia(10 years) COPD fever, dyspnea, hypoxia Yes Hydroxychloroquine, Memantine 28 mg BID * Died Abbreviations: Afib: atrial fibrillation; ALF: assisted living facility; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; CAD: coronary artery disease; CKD: chronic kidney disease; CHF: congestive heart failure; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVD: cardiovascular disease; DDD: degenerative disc disease; DM2: diabetes mellitus type 2; ECF: extended care facility; ESLD: end-stage liver disease; ETOH: alcohol; GH: group home; HTN: hypertension; NH: nursing home; nOH: neurogenic orthostatic hypotension; PAD: peripheral arterial disease; PVD: peripheral vascular disease; PE: pulmonary embolism; SDH: subdural hematoma. * patient receiving amantadine or memantine prior to hospitalization as part of treatment for movement disorder.