Table 3 Virulence parameters: this is a list of uniformly modulated parameters and the direction in which they change when virulence is increased or decreased. When virulence changes, an up arrow (↑) indicates the parameter is increased (by an equivalent percent) and a down arrow (↓) indicates the parameter is decreased (by an equivalent percent). Symbols Definition Virulence Increased Virulence Decreased 𝜇I Infected death rate (natural death rate + disease induced death rate) ↑ ↓ 𝜂 = (⍵ − ε−1) SARS-CoV-2 incubation period ↓ ↑ 1/⍵ Expected time in the asymptomatic state ↑ ↓ ν Recovery rate (average of 3 to 6 weeks) ↓ ↑ p Percent that moves along the “mild” recovery track ↓ ↑ βA Contact rate of people with people × transmission probability of people to people by A-person ↑ ↓ βI Contact rate of people with people × transmission probability of people to people by I-person ↑ ↓ 𝜎A Contact rate of person with environment) × (probability of shedding by A-people to environment ↑ ↓ 𝜎I Contact rate of person with environment × probability of shedding by I-people to environment ↑ ↓ 1/ε Average number of days before infectious ↓ ↑