The collection of parameters that we use to define virulence are as follows: the infected population death rate (𝜇I), the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 (𝜂), the rate of transfer from asymptomatic to symptomatic (1/⍵), the infected population recovery rate (ν), the percent of individuals that move from the asymptomatic to the recovered compartment without showing symptoms (the “mild” recovery track, p), the contact rate of people with people × the transmission probability of people to people by an asymptomatic individual (βA), the contact rate of people with people × the transmission probability of people to people by an asymptomatically infected person (βI), the contact rate of people with the environment × the probability of shedding by an asymptomatic individual to the environmental (𝜎A), the contact rate of people with the environment × the probability of symptomatically infected individuals shedding in the environment (𝜎I), and the average number of days before infection (1/ε).