Keeping in view the above, in the present study, impact of COVID-19 confinement on air qualities among the populous site of four major metropolitan cities in India (i.e., site 1—ITO, Delhi; site 2—Worli, Mumbai; site 3—Jadavpur, Kolkata; and site 4—Manali Village, Chennai) were determined by evaluating alteration in PM2.5, PM10, NO2, NH3, SO2, CO, and ozone level from January 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC)-based model analysis was also proposed which determine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic confinement on air quality. Overall pandemic confinement has allowed the environment for detoxifying and renews itself in a lesser human interference phase. Environmental analysts designate it as a silver lining in terms of decreased carbon and waste emission but recognize it as a flawed perspective due to the expectation that the AQI levels to return as the coronavirus vanish and in some cases, they could come back strongly.