At this site, the perfect positive correlation was observed between AQI and PM2.5, a strong positive correlation between AQI-PM10 and PM2.5-PM10, whereas a negative correlation was observed for ozone with AQI and other pollutants. The correlation coefficient between AQI-PM2.5, AQI-PM10, and PM2.5-PM10 was found as 0.98, 0.82, and 0.77 respectively, showing a significantly higher positive relationship. This indicate the changes in PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations have a great influence on AQI content; i.e., an increase in their concentration will directly elevate the air quality index. Besides, AQI-ozone, PM2.5-ozone, and PM10-ozone confirmed low negatively correlated variables, i.e., − 0.31, − 0.38, and − 0.18 respectively indicating the higher values of AQI, PM2.5, and PM10 will lower down the ozone concentration. A feeble correlation exists between AQI-NH3 (0.46), AQI-NO2 (0.38), AQI-SO2 (0.28), and AQI-CO (0.11) showing mild effect on AQI (Fig. 5 (a)). Fig. 5 Pearson’s correlation heatmap for air pollutants during the pre and COVID-19 pandemic confinement, 2020 among populous sites of four major metropolitan cities in India