Human Plasma Samples Two prepandemic plasma donations were collected in April and May 2019 by BioLife Austria. Human plasma pool samples were generated by the combination of 6 individual donations obtained in the same week at Austrian plasma donation centers (BioLife). The pools were assembled from donations collected in week 13 (last week of March; n = 40), week 14 (n = 80), week 15 (n = 80), week 16 (n = 80), week 20 (n = 100), week 24 (n = 80), and week 28 (first week of July; n = 100) of 2020, that is during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was calculated from data provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection ( and Statistics Austria (