Public health organizations have been tasked with developing behavioral interventions that are efficacious in promoting social distancing behaviors among the general population [6]. Given that social distancing is a relatively novel behavior in many countries, identification of the determinants of social distancing behavior has become critical. Moreover, identifying determinants that are potentially modifiable through intervention, that is, can be targeted in messages or campaigns of behavioral interventions aimed at promoting social distance, is a recognized priority [7]. There have, therefore, been calls for research informed by behavioral science that identifies key determinants of preventive behaviors in the context of the current pandemic, particularly social distancing [7, 8]. However, there is relatively little research on the determinants of social distancing, particularly in the context of communicable disease prevention (e.g., influenza) in a global pandemic [9]. Previous research, for example, has tended to focus on the social cognition determinants of other preventive behaviors, such as facemask wearing [10], or focused on hypothetical scenarios [11] in the context of influenza prevention. To date, there are few studies informed by behavioral science on the individual determinants of social distancing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.