Factor loadings and AVE values exceeded recommended .700 and .500 cutoff values in all cases. Omega reliability coefficients, interitem correlations (for two-item scales), and composite reliabilities indicated good internal consistency of scales used. Latent variable correlations among social cognition constructs were all statistically significant. Correlations among the majority of constructs in the Australia sample were small-to-medium in size (r range = .161 to .564), with some smaller correlations involving the subjective and moral norms constructs and habit (r range = .094 to .118). Correlations were small-to-medium in size in the U.S. sample (r range = .266 to .620). Square roots of the AVE for each latent variable exceeded the correlation of that variable with all other latent variables supporting discriminant validity. Skewness and kurtosis estimates indicated many of the variables were not normally distributed, justifying the use of the variance-based structural equation modeling, which is a “distribution-free” analytic method. Factor loadings, reliability coefficients, and distribution statistics are presented in Supplementary Appendix C, and latent variable correlations for model variables in both are presented in Supplementary Appendix D.