We also tested whether the inclusion of participants that were never under a “shelter-in-place” order, or had the “shelter-in-place” order lifted during the study, affected predicted relations in the models. The small numbers of participants that were, at some point, not subjected to “shelter-in-place” orders meant we could not conduct a formal moderator analysis, so we conducted a sensitivity analysis testing whether effects in the models differed if data from these participants were excluded. Models excluding and including past behavior were estimated in samples excluding participants who were never subject to a “shelter-in place” order, and in the sample that were never subject to an order, or who had the order lifted at some stage during the study. Formal comparisons of parameter estimates in these models with those from the full sample were made using the Satterthwaite method. Data files, analysis scripts, and output files for all analyses are available online: https://osf.io/x9tms/.