Participants self-reported their age in years, gender, employment status (currently unemployed/full-time caregiver, currently full-time employed, part-time employed, or on leave without pay/furloughed), marital status (married, widowed, separated/divorced, never married, or in a de factor relationship), annual household income stratified by 11 income levels based on Australian and U.S. national averages, highest level of formal education (completed junior/lower/primary school, completed senior/high/secondary school, postschool vocational qualification/diploma, further education diploma, undergraduate university degree, or postgraduate university degree), and ethnicity (Black, Caucasian/White, Asian, or Middle-eastern). Binary income (low income vs. middle/high income), highest education level (completed school education only vs. completed postschool education), and ethnicity (Caucasian/White vs. non-White) variables were computed for use in subsequent analyses.