The study adopted a prospective correlational design with self-report measures of social cognition constructs from the proposed integrated model, intention, and past social distancing behavior administered at an initial data collection occasion in a survey administered using the Qualtrics online survey tool. Social cognition measures included the theory of planned behavior (attitude, subjective norm, and PBC), moral norm, anticipated regret, action planning, and habit constructs. Participants were informed that they were participating in a survey on their social distancing behavior and provided with information outlining study requirements. They were required to provide informed consent before proceeding with the survey. Participants were also provided with instructions on how to complete study measures and a definition of the target behavior: “The following survey will ask about your beliefs and attitudes about ‘social distancing’. What do we mean by social distancing? Social distancing (also known as ‘physical distancing’) is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. The World Health Organization and other world leading health authorities suggest that you should maintain at least a 1–2 meter (3–6 feet) distance from other people to lessen the chances of getting infected with COVID-19. When answering the questions in this survey, think about your social distancing behavior (i.e., maintaining at least a 1–2 m (3–6 ft) distance from other people).” One week later, participants were re-contacted by the panel company and asked to self-report their habit and social distancing behavior over the previous week using the same measures used at the initial data collection occasion. Participants received a fixed sum of money for their participation based on expected completion time consistent with the panel company’s published rates. Approval for study procedures was granted prior to data collection from the Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee.