Note aCulture–Hofstede’s score of a country's individualism (i.e. the higher the number, the more individualistic the country). bAdults–the number of adults staying with the participants during the relative isolation. cChildren–the number of children staying with the participants during the relative isolation. dEducation–education status, with a higher number representing a higher completed education level: 6–PhD/Doctorate; 5–College degree, bachelor, master; 4–Some College, short continuing education or equivalent; 3–Up to 12 years of school; 2–Up to 9 years of school; 1–Up to 6 years of school; 0–None. eCOVID‐19 severity–the number of confirmed cases divided by the number of countries’ citizens. fMarital status–single individuals are coded as 0, and married or cohabiting individuals as 1. gRandom effects–the likelihood ratio test for each random effect, representing variability of stress levels and the association between stress levels and other variables of interest between countries. For the intercept: SD = 0.261, ICC = 0.130. Significant results are bolded.