The problems have been exacerbated by the lack of safety equipment for doctors. Public institutions like the Philippine General Hospital, the national university hospital, have had to call for donations of alcohol and masks.142 Baticulon, R.E. (2020, March 20). Last updated 2020, March 20. Opinion: the Philippine Health Care System Was Never Ready for a Pandemic. CNN Philippines. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from‐pandemic‐opinion.html?fbcid%3Ffbclid%3Ffbclid%3Ffbclid At one point, the National Centre for Mental Health was operating with 100 PPEs instead of its requirement of a minimum of 250 in a day.143 Dancel, R. (2020, April 8). Last updated 2020, April 8. Struck down by COVID‐19, Philippine Doctor Returns to Front Line to Rally Troops. The Straits Times. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from‐asia/struck‐down‐by‐covid‐19‐doctor‐returns‐to‐frontline‐to‐rally‐troops