In order to accommodate the rising number of persons needing isolation and quarantine facilities, the national government has coordinated with local governments and the private sector in converting hotels, sports facilities, school buildings, and churches into temporary quarantine sites.96 Esguerra, D. (2020, March 20). Gov’t to Convert Sports Facilities, Schools, Churches into COVID‐19 Quarantine Sites. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from:‐moving‐to‐convert‐sports‐facilities‐schools‐churches‐to‐covid‐19‐quarantine‐sites The facilities are meant to accommodate asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients who are either homeless or whose dwelling units do not have enough spaces to allow isolation. The temporary facilities may suffice for now, but certainly not for the near future. These facilities will be eventually returned to their original use; a more sustainable and long‐term solution must be developed.