3 WHAT LESSONS WERE LEARNED? Students readily adapted to this type of patient visit. A post‐participation survey (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree) of the students revealed: Connecting was easy and intuitive (3.80/5), meaningful connection with the patient was established (4.20), format was sufficient to demonstrate clinical skill to preceptor (3.60), student felt confident in ability to thoroughly assess patient's complaints in virtual setting (3.80), and preceptor was able to teach sufficiently using virtual format (4.40). Student participants felt that the experience was a meaningful introduction to telemedicine, provided an excellent opportunity to work on interviewing skills and provided a chance to work on a virtual team for the first time. Technical obstacles were very minor. They expressed the importance of communication with the attending physician before the clinic, and a post‐clinic phone session for feedback and additional learning suggestions. Physical examination options were limited in this format. Students and faculty alike felt the programme was a valid format for clinical experiences during clerkships and endorsed expanding it to all students training in family medicine at our institution.