Commentaries by Gildner & Thayer (2020), Palmquist, Asiodu, & Quinn (2020), and Bogin & Varea (2020) examine the potential transgenerational effects of the pandemic through its impacts on maternal‐child health. Theresa Gildner & Zane Thayer (2020) nicely summarize several ongoing studies by human biologists that are exploring the consequences of the pandemic for different dimensions of mother‐infant well‐being (eg, immune function, psychosocial stress, infant feeding). Aunchalee Palmquist et al. (2020), in turn, provide a critical evaluation of the wave of recent studies designed to understand whether SARS‐CoV‐2 can be transmitted to an infant through breastmilk. They discuss both the difficulties in conducting such research under pandemic conditions as well as the challenges in translating these findings into relevant clinical and public health recommendations. Palmquist and colleagues underscore the importance of the comparative, anthropological/evolutionary perspective in providing the necessary context for understanding the how the COVID‐19 pandemic is shaping maternal‐child health.