All authors are employed by multinational biopharmaceutical companies, as indicated in their affiliations: J.S. (Pfizer), P.H. (Pfizer), L.A. (Merck), D.A. (Astra Zeneca), S.B. (Bristol‐Myers Squibb), P.B. (Bayer), H.F. (Glaxo Smith Kline), C.G. (Eli Lilly and Company), M.G. (Astra Zeneca), M.H. (Bristol‐Myers Squibb), R.K. (Novartis), S.M. (Merck), L.O. (Janssen), E.R. (Sanofi), K.R. (AbbVie), A.S.R. (Sanofi), M.T. (Amgen), R.T. (AbbVie), K.V.B. (Janssen), and M.W. (Bayer). As an Associate Editor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, P.H. was not involved in the review or decision process for this paper.