Prevention of Spread Amongst Vulnerable Populations Certain populations will be at a higher risk of contracting communicable diseases, such as those who are unstably housed or living in congregate settings. Still others are more vulnerable to worse outcomes from a respiratory illness, such as those who are immunocompromised or have multiple comorbidities. Public health organizations will often attempt to broadly identify, inform, and provide support for these populations. Yet, primary care physicians are in a unique position of being able to individually pinpoint who in their practice is most vulnerable.10 By proactively reaching out to these patients, family physicians are able to provide education and support to prevent spread to these individuals. No one else in the healthcare sector is able to perform this function in the way that family physicians can. Moreover, in most communities, family physicians form the backbone of outreach services to the most vulnerable and to congregate living settings. In these settings, family physicians may be expected to set the standards for infection prevention and control measures, as well as help coordinate response to outbreaks within the facility.15,16