Recently, Bristrian proposed the use of parenteral supplementation of fish-oil emulsions, containing substantial amounts of EPA and DHA (4–6 g/d), to treat patients with severe SARS-CoV-2, in order to inhibit cytokine secretion and mitigate the inflammatory response (Bistrian, 2020). In agreement with this idea, Torrinhas et al. suggested the immune modulatory properties of n-3 PUFAs will provide important and beneficial effects to improve clinical outcomes of COVID-19 particularly in hospitalized high-risk populations with severe underlying conditions including the elderly, obese, hypertensive, oncologic and diabetic patients (Torrinhas, Calder, & Waitzberg, 2020). Furthermore, they suggested n-3 PUFAs could provide additional benefits by attenuating the aggravated inflammatory state observed with pre-existing health conditions which might have a role in triggering detrimental outcomes associated with severe COVID-19 phenotypes.