“Having an advocate to say ‘I’m here to help you get your oxygen, to tell you where’s the best place for you to go. Or, here’s the different places that you can go to get your oxygen, here are the different types of concentrators.’ That stuff, I just had no clue about. I did not know anything about it. I did not know where to go to find the oxygen . . . those things would be so helpful if somebody had some ideas about it and could help.”“Since oxygen is prescribed, it would be nice to be able to get a prescription that would start out with a POC, a pulmonary oxygen concentrator.”“Someone who can get you through the ropes of dragging the equipment through the airport . . . I was having to do all of this by myself because there was nobody to help me.”“One of the things they discussed and I found most beneficial was traveling with the condition and having to drag your equipment along with you.”