The hemorrhagic strokes were due to aneurysm rupture. A PCOM aneurysm (15 mm) ruptured following intense bouts of coughing (Figure 2). The anterior choroidal aneurysm (1.4 mm) ruptured following nine days of sickness due to COVID-19 and nine days post-partum, and the dissecting PICA ruptured following three days of sickness due to COVID-19. It is crucial to modify treatment for patients with cerebrovascular pathologies. Patients undergoing intracranial stent placement may require tighter control of their P2Y12 levels and blood pressure, while patients undergoing thrombectomy may require prolonged observation or aggressive anticoagulation during the time of peak immune response. Figure 2. Forty-four-year-old male experienced a sudden loss of consciousness following intense bouts of coughing. (a) and (b) He was diagnosed with ruptured 1.5 cm left PCOM aneurysm causing intraventricular, intracerebral, and subdural hemorrhage. (c) Lateral view of a follow-up DCA post-surgical aneurysm reconstruction and decompressive hemicraniectomy showing complete aneurysm obliteration. (d) Axial view of a non-contrast CT head day 1 post op shows decompression of the brain without a midline shift and a 3 cm epidural hematoma. (e) A follow-up non-contrast CT head four days post op showed increasing brain edema with midline shift, extensive bilateral cerebral infarcts with extension of the infarct into the bilateral occipital.