A recent investigation by Shi and colleagues of retinal vasculature in 62 AD and MCI patients and matched human controls revealed early and progressive PDGFRβ deficiency and pericyte loss along with intense retinal vascular Aβ accumulation in AD (Shi et al., 2020). Using a modified retinal vascular isolation technique (Figure 6A) in 12 AD patient and control donors, the authors report a significant increase in various types of Aβ in AD retinal microvasculature, and more importantly, accumulation of Aβ in retinal pericytes together with pericyte loss (Figure 6B–E’). The existence of Aβ in pericytes was validated by TEM, which showed intense Aβ42 deposition in retinal pericytes as well as in microvascular lumen and adjacent to microvasculature (Figure 6F). Further, accumulation of Aβ in arterial tunica media in the retina of several AD patients (Figures 6E,E’; Shi et al., 2020) has implications related to lymphatic Aβ clearance pathways in the human retina: a subject warranting future exploration.