Results Twelve preclinical medical students registered for and completed the elective course with the four pathology sessions included in January-February of 2018. Seven of the 12 students completed the online survey at the conclusion of the course. Survey feedback was generally positive. Seventy-one percent answered strongly agree to the prompt, “Learning pathological correlates to the physical exam helped me understand normal anatomy and physiology,” which targeted the first educational objective. No one responded disagree or strongly disagree. Question 5 (“The pathology sessions helped enhance my ultrasound training”), which targeted the third educational objective, also had generally positive responses, with again no one responding disagree or strongly disagree. The open-ended responses highlighted that the pathology course complemented the existing course well and suggested that the new course be continued. All of the open-ended responses received included: • “I thought that all the sessions and especially the case presentations were a great complement to the scanning sessions themselves!” • “All were great to have, just my lack of experience in general with ultrasound prevents me from saying these sessions actually improved my skills. I definitely appreciated them, would suggest you continue them if given the opportunity.“ • “[The instructor] did a great job with the pathological correlates in her lectures and was also a very helpful and approachable facilitator. The only comment I would make is that for the next mini-elective I would consider having the pathology sessions right after [the main ultrasound lecture]. It was more cohesive that way and allowed us to just stay in the rooms and practice for longer, without having to reshuffle back to the lecture room.”