Introduction The spread of infectious diseases through host–pathogen interaction is fundamentally underpinned by macroecological and biogeographical processes [1, 2]; key processes include virus origination, dispersal, and evolutional diversification through local transmissions in human societies [3]. Since December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by sudden acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has quickly spread worldwide from Wuhan, China [4]. The disease transmission geography of COVID-19 was highly heterogeneous; some countries (e.g., Japan) had cases from the earliest stage of this pandemic, but their increase in the number of new cases was relatively moderate, whereas others (e.g., EU nations and the USA) experienced later but substantial COVID-19 outbreaks. To predict infection risk on the global scale, the forces driving the COVID-19 outbreak patterns must be identified [5]. Additionally, capturing region-specific factors influencing the outbreak progress is critically important for improving long-term control measures against this ongoing pandemic. Infectious diseases due to respiratory viruses are empirically characterized by a seasonal nature [6]. Moriyama et al. [7] described a framework to better understand the mechanisms of virus transmission; air temperature, absolute/relative humidity, and sunlight are jointly associated with virus viability/stability and host defense, and thereby human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 is promoted by contact rates along with host susceptibility (or immunity) to COVID-19. From this viewpoint, several research groups have focused on relevant factors separately and quickly examined the role of climate [8–10], international mobility linked to human contact [11, 12], and community-based host susceptibility to COVID-19 [13]. However, these analyses were inconclusive, and the relative importance of these factors in promoting the disease expansion of COVID-19 remains unclear. This study assessed multiple potential drivers of the COVID-19 spread, by conducting an analysis of time-series data on the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases from December 2019 through June 2020, as well as on country/region-specific variables, e.g. socioeconomic conditions and screening effort (number of SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests conducted), that could potentially affect the number of COVID-19 cases. Specifically, we explored the roles of climate, international mobility, and region-specific conditions in the disease expansion by controlling covariates. In this analysis, we evaluated the relative importance of climate (temperature and precipitation relevant to habitat suitability for SARS-CoV-2), region-specific COVID-19 susceptibility (BCG vaccination factors, malaria incidence, and the relative proportion of citizens aged over 65 years in the population, as these were hypothesized to be linked with host susceptibility to COVID-19), and human mobility (international travel) in shaping the current geographical patterns of COVID-19 spread around the world.