Biome classification is based on the scheme by Whittaker [20]. (TR) tropical rain forest; (TS) tropical seasonal forest/savanna; (TE) temperate rain forest; (SD) subtropical desert; (TD) temperate deciduous forest; (WS) woodland/shrubland; (TG) temperate grassland/desert; (BF) boreal forest, (TU) tundra. Colors indicate the number of COVID-19 cases (per 1 million population) and also contours of climatic regions with ≥1000 cases per 1 million population. (A–F) Monthly patterns for the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases on January 31, 2020 (A), February 29, 2020 (B), March 31, 2020 (C), April 30, 2020 (D), May 31, 2020 (E), and June 30, 2020 (F) based on the cumulative number of day-to-day COVID-19 cases since December 2019. Arrows indicate the location of Wuhan in China. See S4 Video.