Obtaining and Delivering Epilepsy Care Concerns were raised in this survey that PWE could not get the usual care for their medical issues during the pandemic. Many of these issues were due to new financial and logistical constraints for patients during the pandemic. No comparable data regarding these issues are currently available in the literature. Care was also affected due to limitations imposed by hospitals, clinics, and medical practices. Institutions across the United States began to restrict or cancel admissions to epilepsy monitoring units (which are typically elective in nature). In addition, performing both inpatient and outpatient EEGs was significantly reduced due to the close contact of the EEG technologist with patients and to reduce depletion of PPE.14 Telemedicine visits were encouraged for the care of PWE during the pandemic wherever possible to reduce the risk for PWE and their family for being exposed to the infection in health care facilities.13 The effect of reduced access to in-person epilepsy care and neurodiagnostic procedures has not been clearly studied. An Italian study that surveyed people with and without epilepsy found that those with epilepsy reported a significantly increased risk of seizures and difficulties in obtaining follow-up clinic appointments.15 Shortage of ASM has not been a major concern during the current pandemic. Most respondents did not notice lack of availability of ASM, with the exception of long acting levetiracetam. However, the Food and Drug Administration has reported intermittent shortages of medications used to treat acute seizure, such as midazolam and propofol, during the pandemic.16 This is likely due to use of these medications in critically ill patients, not necessarily those with seizures. There is also little evidence of the effects of various medications used to treat COVID-19 on seizures and ASM. In response, the AES Treatments Committee has created a resource, Managing Patients with Epilepsy during COVID-19: Pharmacotherapy-related Recommendations.17 American Epilepsy Society has created a COVID-19 and Epilepsy web portal with information relating to various aspect to care delivery.18 Interestingly, despite almost all participants being impacted in some way by COVID-19, only 41% of respondents to the survey were aware of these resources, and 38% had used them. A campaign to increase awareness of this resource may help members.