The corona virus infectious disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had an exceptional impact on delivery of care to people with epilepsy (PWE). In addition to obviously impacting PWE, the pandemic has also affected epilepsy care providers. In mid-April, 2020, the American Epilepsy Society (AES) determined that a membership survey should be conducted to better understand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on members and the patients they serve. The Quantitative Practical Use-Driven Learning Survey in Epilepsy (Q-PULSE) Taskforce was charged with creating a survey that would assess how the most important aspects of epilepsy care delivery were being affected. Unlike typical Q-PULSE surveys that are sent only to National Association of Epilepsy Center directors, this survey was sent to all AES members, as it was intended to reflect broad practice experiences. The survey was sent in late April 2020, and several emails were sent to encourage members to complete it.