Introduction The SARS COV2 and other SARS viruses employ a heavily glycosylated spike S protein (Watanabe et al. 2020; Shajahan et al. 2020a) to bind to the ACE2 cellular receptor, also heavily glycosylated (Shajahan et al. 2020b), on host cells. Historically, there is abundant information of glycosylation inhibitors for antiviral activity to stimulate their investigation for COVID19 treatment. While there are certain to be side effects by interfering systematically with glycosylation, a short-term dose of primers, decoys or glycosylation inhibitors might be sufficient to stop or slow the COVID19 infection cycle with minimal or temporary side effects. For example, castanospermine derivative celgosivir (6-O-butanoylcastanospermine) (Sels et al. 1999) and Miglitol, Miglustat (N-butyl −1-deoxynojirimycin) (Campo et al. 2013; Zamoner et al. 2019) are already FDA approved for type 2 diabetes and Gaucher’s disease (Rosenbloom and Weinreb 2013), passing safety and effectivity phases. This article is to stimulate repurpose testing of these already-approved compounds and others for COVID19 therapeutics.