KRI used the updated and expanded integrated global model to identify optimal strategies from a modeling perspective (i.e. with respect to expected health and economic outcomes) to support the GPEI partners as they worked to implement the GPEI 2013–2018 Strategic Plan [201]. In 2014, KRI modeled the dynamics of coordinated cessation of serotype 2 OPV (OPV2) without [38] and with [39] IPV, which demonstrated the importance of using sufficient amounts of tOPV in the run up to OPV2 cessation to increase population immunity to transmission prior to OPV2 cessation [38]. Despite the GPEI emphasis on IPV introduction, these analyses also demonstrated the relatively small expected role of IPV in stopping or preventing transmission in areas with conditions conducive to poliovirus transmission (i.e. relatively high R0, high contribution of fecal-oral transmission, like the countries of interest to the GPEI) [39].