The partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) began investing resources (both financial and human) in the early 2000s in the development and application of mathematical models of poliovirus transmission as well as economics, policy, decision, and risk analyses of polio endgame risk management options to support decisions, including vaccine policy choices. Over the last 20 years (2000–2019), three modeling groups who access GPEI data as part of a data-sharing agreement created in 2013 (i.e. Kid Risk, Inc. (KRI, Orlando, FL), Imperial College (IC, London, United Kingdom), and the Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM, Seattle, WA)) performed the bulk of this polio modeling. The three groups largely work independently, which provides some confidence to the GPEI partners when the results from the groups agree. However, sometimes the groups provide conflicting results and recommendations. In addition, some other polio modeling papers also appeared in the published literature during this time.