In total, we investigated six postmortem lung samples from Covid-19 patients (Menter et al., 2020). A tissue micro-array paraffin block with samples of all six patients and the corresponding HE stain is shown in Figure 1a. Information about age, gender, hospitalization, clinical, radiological and histological characteristics of all patients are shown in Table 2. Before presenting the results for the six Covid-19 patients for each of the imaging levels (scales), we give an overview on the typical datasets for one exemplary sample (I), see Figure 2. The typical FOVs, image quality, and appearance of the lung structure as well as the amount of data can be inferred, and inspected in the reconstructions provided online ( The datasets are denoted by patient I-VI, respectively. Gray values of the tomographic reconstruction represent phase shift per voxel with edge length v⁢x, the local electron density difference to the average paraffin can be computed by(1) Δρe(r)=φvx(r)vx⋅λ⋅r0,with wavelength λ and r0 classical electron radius.