Rendering of hyaline membrane attached to alveolar walls (patient V, parallel beam-scan of a 1 mm punch). The rendered subvolume was restricted to 1.15×1.10×0.56 mm3, to contain a single alveole foremost. (a) Volume rendering of the segmented hyaline membrane in same spatial orientation as (c)-(e), which show virtual slices through the (c) top, (d) center and (e) bottom of the alveole. For a better spatial classification, (b) gives a combination of the volume in (a) and the slice in (d). (f) Volume rendering of the entire subvolume including neighboring alveolae. (g) Zoom-in onto a major blood vessel (red) which is directly connected with the hyaline membrane. Scale bars: (c–e) 300⁢μ⁢m.