Table 1. Results of the analysis of tissue characteristics: specific surface area SV, characteristic length Lc and mean distance dO2¯ and standard deviation from all tissue voxels to air as well as the mean concentration of lymphocytes cl for all six Covid-19 positive samples as well as for one control sample. Colors match the distance graphs in Figure 6. Patient no. SV (%) Lc (μm) dO2¯ (μm) c l   ( 10 5 / m m 3 ) I 13.87 9.4 5.9±5.3 16.0 II 46.56 2.8 2.1±1.0 14.1 III 33.75 3.9 2.5±1.5 4.4 IV 25.90 5.0 3.2±2.3 7.1 V 19.28 6.7 3.6±2.1 4.8 VI 11.87 11.0 9.1±10 6.1 CTRL (hyd.) 20.04 6.5 5.0±5.1 -