Total mRNAs were isolated from cells using the peqGold TriFast (Peqlab Biotechnologie, Darmstadt, Germany) and the Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA). The mRNA was digested with 5 U RNase-free, recombinant DNase I (Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland), and cDNA synthesis was performed by using the qScript cDNA Synthesis Kit (Quanta Biosciences, Beverly, MA, USA). qRT-PCR reactions were conducted as described [40]. For data analysis, the comparative cycle threshold method (CT) was used, and data were reported as the fold change normalized to an endogenous reference gene (β-actin). To quantify the ERGIC-53 transcript levels, the primers 5′- CAGATCAAATTCGAGTAGCACCA-3′ and 5′-AATATTCCAACACCATTCCACAGA-3′ were used. All other primer pairs have been described previously [29].