w opioids effect neuroHIV, as well as how opioid abuse and dependence are altered by neuroHIV or whether opioid-HIV interactions result in a unique disease state are discussed. HIV Neuropathology in the Context of Opioid Use Disorder – Clinical and Preclinical Evidence Preclinical and Clinical Findings—a Complicated Picture People infected with HIV (PWH) with OUD have an increased incidence of neuroHIV and CNS complications (Bell et al. 1998; Nath et al. 1999, 2000a, 2002; Anthony et al. 2008; Meyer et al. 2013; Smith et al. 2014). Injection drug use increases the probability of contracting HIV (Nath et al. 1999) and opioid drugs intrinsically alter the pathogenesis of HIV. PWH who develop intractable pain syndromes related to peripheral neuropathies often receive opioid drugs for treatment (Mirsattari et al. 1999; Denis et al. 2019). PWH who misuse opioids are more likely to undertake risky sexual behavior and are less likely to adhere to combined antiretroviral (ARV) therapy (cART) regimens (Lemons et al. 2019). Opioid recepto