11 USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) fiscal year 2019 budget was $87 million, which covered research led by 3 research divisions: market and trade economics, resource and rural economics, and food economics. The ERS does not have a more specific number for food, food security, and nutrition-relevant research. The Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) program was supported by USDA ERS and FNS; it awarded 8 grants in 2019 and will hold a conference to present findings from those awards in 2020 but has no further funding at this point. The RIDGE program has funded >285 products at >100 educational and research institutions during 1998–2019. USDA ERS and FNS have co-sponsored the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS-1); research grants for analysis of FoodAPS-1, and methodological research to develop FoodAPS-2, as well as a number of data development activities. Between 2013 and 2018, USDA FNS funded ∼50 cooperative research agreements and grants between the ERS researchers, university-based centers, and university-based researchers, tallying >$3 million provided through the ERS. These agreements have covered wide ranging topics including food security, SNAP, WIC, School Meal Programs, promotion of healthier eating, and the food retail environment.