To achieve success, a key identified theme was the need for not just additional investment but also new authority and structure. Multiple assessments over many decades have identified the fundamental need to strengthen federal nutrition research in the US. This includes, among others, the 1969 White House Conference; the 1977 Congressional call for improved coordination of human nutrition research; the 1983 creation of ICHNR; the 1994 Institute of Medicine report on nutrition and food sciences; the 1996 joint OSTP and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) report on health, safety, and food; the 2000 National Nutrition Summit; and more (Supplemental Table 5 and Supplemental Table 10). Several within- and cross-agency convenings of federal departments and agencies have further identified critical shared interests and research gaps in nutrition research (TableĀ 2). Yet, the full intended impacts of these important efforts were mostly not achieved, in large part because they lacked any new federal structure with strong and sustained authority, robust coordination capacity, and dedicated appropriations.