Return on investment The ROI for federal research has been documented across several metrics (275). Considering commercial innovation, ∼1 in 12 NIH grants directly lead to patents, while ∼1 in 3 granted patents cite NIH-funded research (276). In a 2012 analysis, each $1 increase in NIH funding was estimated to increase the size (output) of the bioscience industry by between $1.70 and $3.20 (277). A $3.8 billion federal investment in the human genome project plus an additional $8.5 billion in related research and support have been estimated to produce nearly $1 trillion of economic growth, amounting to a 180-fold ROI (278). In 2014 Senate testimony, NIH Director Francis Collins reported that NIH funding supported >402,000 jobs and $58 billion in economic output nationwide, whereas NIH discoveries contributed $69 billion to GDP and supported 7 million jobs in 2011 (279). Our review suggests that expanded federal coordination and investment in nutrition research will generate similarly meaningful ROI. Opportunities include more efficient leveraging of existing nutrition research infrastructure and investments, as well as other current federal investments in nutrition-related programs and policies at USDA (∼$100 billion/y), USAID (∼$27 billion/y), DoD, VA, FDA, CDC, CMS, FEMA, and more. Such investments could also be crucial to help reduce population diet and health inequities across diverse population subgroups. One of the most promising areas for ROI would be advancing basic, clinical, and implementation science to reduce diet-related diseases. As mentioned in earlier sections, a recent NIH prevention research portfolio analysis compared national risk factors for death with NIH research investments (120). The largest gap was for nutrition, which was the top cause of attributable deaths (estimated to cause 19.1% of all deaths) but represented only 6.7% of all NIH prevention research funding (∼$0.43 billion based on the 2019 NIH budget, or ∼1.1% of all NIH funding) (117, 120). In comparison, estimated government spending on direct health care for diabetes alone was ∼$160 billion/y in 2017, with an expected growth rate of 5% (∼$8 billion) per year (280). Medical care for people with diagnosed diabetes accounts for ∼1 in 4 health care dollars in the US, with more than half of these costs being directly attributable to diabetes (280). And, while mounting evidence suggests that severity, complications, and costs of type 2 diabetes can be rapidly reduced through better lifestyle including dietary changes (281–284), the optimal dietary priorities, behavior change strategies, microbiome implications, and personalization needs to most effectively improve diabetes remain uncertain. A major effort to expand and harmonize federal nutrition research could have rapid ROI based on reduced health care costs alone. For instance, a new, additive $1–2 billion annual investment in nutrition research could potentially generate a several-fold ROI if this helped flatten the anticipated ∼$8 billion/y annual increase in government expenditures on medical care for diabetes (280). Estimates of potential ROI of expanded federal nutrition research can be considered against health care and other societal costs of other diet-sensitive conditions, such as hypertension, food allergies, coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and more. As stated by the FDA Commissioner in 2018, “Improvements in diet and nutrition offer us one of our greatest opportunities to have a profound and generational impact on human health … The public health gains of such efforts would almost certainly dwarf any single medical innovation or intervention we could discover” (285). Greater coordination and investment in federal nutrition research could also catalyze and unlock economic growth through new public–private partnerships and new private capital investment, small businesses, jobs, and inventions. In addition to potential for lower health care spending, accelerated nutrition research could help foster a healthier and more productive workforce, more active and thriving children, and healthier and more independent seniors. New research investment and structure should also support the training of a new generation of scientists and health care professionals who can leverage nutrition-related knowledge for public good. Enhanced nutrition science and cross-governmental authority can also strengthen dietary guidance, reduce public confusion, and improve consumer food choices. Together with increased investment in food and agricultural research, strengthened multidisciplinary nutrition science could better support the long-term economic vibrancy of US farmers and rural communities. Past increases in agricultural productivity, for example, have come almost entirely from science-based innovations (146). Such integrated efforts would also be able to address the critical emerging nexus of health, food, agriculture, climate, and sustainability (147, 286, 287), positioning the US as the global leader in this area. This would further improve stewardship of US natural resources, including water, soil, forests, and oceans. In sum, this would strengthen long-term US food security, farmers’ incomes, national and rural economic growth, and resilience of the food and agricultural sector, which accounts for 1 in 9 US jobs (288). Appropriate federal investment and coordination of nutrition research could improve national resilience against chronic threats and acute crises. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to have a coordinated, vigorous scientific research infrastructure before crises strike (3–8). The bidirectional impacts between food and nutrition and COVID-19 have also revealed a vital new area for research and policy that requires significant investment and coordination (289). In 2019, the Director of National Intelligence reported to Congress that our national disinvestment in science and technology is 1 of 10 global threats because, without the research to produce disruptive US technologies, we weaken our economic competitiveness (290). A new structure for coordination of existing federal nutrition research, combined with a major new investment—for example, increasing federal nutrition funding by $1–2 billion or more each year—could together provide highly cost-effective approaches to addressing the poor health, rising disparities, spiraling health care costs, declining qualified military recruits, and other pressing food and agricultural challenges facing the US.