While current science permits broad recommendations on healthy eating patterns, significant scientific debate and public confusion remain on many topics. As reviewed earlier, the 2015 DGAC identified numerous critical areas for national dietary guidance that require greater scientific evidence (Supplemental Table 2). A 2020 DGAC member described their continuing inability to draw many conclusions from an inadequate evidence base in 2 words: “It's disheartening” (228). Similar opportunities exist for greater scientific investments to allow regular DRI updates (200). Additional areas for accelerated research include major food groups for which health effects are currently poorly understood, and the interrelationships between nutrition and the gut microbiome, immunity, epigenetics, vascular health, food allergies, and other physiological systems—all with tremendous implications for human health (229–232). The complex effects of nutrition on health, the often provocative messages from the media and other influencers, and the many real unanswered and emerging questions in nutrition science have created significant public confusion (233). As a result, the public is awash with insufficient and conflicting information on many topics, such as on popular diets for weight loss, the effects of caloric restriction or intermittent fasting, and many other topics, with limited rigorous science to provide confident guidance. A broadly expanded and coordinated effort to generate and disseminate scientifically sound nutrition research is an essential need for the American people.