The options Any new federal nutrition research investment and coordination structure must leverage, harmonize, and catalyze the existing efforts being led across multiple federal departments and agencies. Two major complementary strategies were identified: 1) a new authority for robust cross-governmental coordination of nutrition research and other nutrition-related policy and 2) strengthened authority, investment, and coordination for nutrition research within the NIH. Specific promising options to advance these 2 strategies were identified (Box 1); and for each option, potential advantages and disadvantages, executive and legislative considerations, and paths forward are discussed. Improved coordination between federal departments and agencies conducting nutrition research was identified as having tremendous potential for accelerating essential basic, clinical, public health, and translational discoveries. Increased authority, coordination, and funding for nutrition science within NIH was also identified as being essential for accelerating needed discoveries. Appropriate efforts should leverage and amplify, not replace, compete with, or isolate existing nutrition research efforts across NIH, USDA, or other departments and agencies. The cross-government strategy and within-NIH strategy were identified as complementary, with benefits accruing independently and further synergies to be gained by joint implementation. Box 1 Promising cross-governmental and NIH options to strengthen and accelerate national nutrition research1 Cross-governmental A new Office of the National Director of Food and Nutrition (ONDFN) A new US Global Nutrition Research Program (USGNRP) A new Associate Director for Nutrition Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) A new US Task Force on Federal Nutrition Research Within NIH A new National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) A new National Center for Nutrition Research (NCNR) A return of the Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) into the NIH Office of the Director Development of new trans-NIH initiatives in nutrition research Within USDA Increased investment in nutrition research across the USDA Research, Education, and Economics mission area Expanded USDA research to improve public guidance and education Innovative USDA research to strengthen benefits of nutrition assistance programs 1 Additional relevant priorities to strengthen federal nutrition research within other departments and agencies, such as DoD, USAID, and FDA, were recognized and should be the subject of future reports. Further complementary actions to accelerate federal nutrition research were identified at USDA. First, to increase investment in nutrition research for the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) including its network of Human Nutrition Research Centers, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) extramural research programs, and the Economic Research Service (ERS) programs, which assesses demographic, social, informational, and economic determinants of dietary consumption and associated health outcomes. Second, to expand USDA research that evaluates and improves major ongoing efforts for public guidance and education on nutrition. And third, to build the robust evidence base and collaborations needed to strengthen the positive impacts of the ∼$100 billion/y federal investments in nutrition assistance programs.