Food and nutrition regulatory activities Nutrition research is foundational for diverse federal, tribal, state, and local food and nutrition regulatory activities including labeling, health claims, food marketing, and oversight of food additives and other constituents (204). For example, Congress in 1990 (Public Law 101–535) authorized the Secretary of HHS to provide consumers with accurate nutrition information on food labels, giving rise to the Nutrition Facts panel. In 1994, the GAO recommended that USDA and FDA work together to perform laboratory analyses to independently verify the accuracy of nutrition labels; review labels for compliance with formatting requirements, nutrient content claims, and health claims; work with companies to correct identified inaccuracies; and where appropriate, pursue legal action against products with inappropriate labels (205). Since that time, USDA and FDA, among other federal departments and agencies, have needed to work together on these topics. Examples include the determination that partially hydrogenated oils (high in industrial trans fat) were no longer Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), for which NIH- and USDA-funded research, CDC surveillance data, and HHS regulatory reviews supported the FDA determination (206); and FDA's amendment of the food additive regulations to change the standard of identity of enriched flour and corn masa flour (207) to allow folic acid fortification to help prevent neural tube defects in developing infants, which required similar inputs from diverse federal research, surveillance, and regulatory efforts. Another example is the 2016 Nutrition Facts updates (e.g., requiring labeling of added sugar) based on new scientific research, updated DGAs, consensus reports, and national survey data, along with input obtained through proposed rulemaking processes (208, 209). In 2018, FDA announced their Nutrition Innovation Strategy that outlined key activities to take a “fresh look” at what can be done to reduce diet-related chronic diseases (210). Key elements included the following: modernizing claims such as “healthy,” modernizing ingredient labels and standards of identity, implementing the Nutrition Facts Label and Menu Labeling, reducing sodium, and expanding nutrition education (e.g., launching a new Nutrition Facts label education campaign). For example, FDA agreed with a petition that its definition of “healthy,” central for marketing regulations, was scientifically outdated and inconsistent with the DGAs and advancing research (211). Insufficient scientific evidence on dietary supplement contents, health effects, and potential risks limits the FDA's ability to provide oversight for this $40 billon/y industry (212–214). As another example, there is no DRI or listing on Nutrition Facts for many compounds that appear relevant for health such as omega-3 fatty acids, phenolics, and other phytonutrients (212, 215). Further, many processing methods and additives banned in the European Union are permitted in the US, based on insufficient science for a definitive determination by FDA (216). The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has not been able to engage in any research on the impacts of food marketing to children in nearly 10 y (11). Congress prohibited FTC from completing their joint study with FDA, CDC, and USDA on nutrition standards for food marketing to children, even though this Interagency Working Group on Food Marketed to Children was established by the 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Public Law 111–8) (11). Taken together, these FDA and FTC examples, among others, illustrate the crucial role of robust and coordinated federal nutrition research for numerous regulatory decisions and activities.