week 1 from admission no significant neurological improvement Esteban Molina et al. [17] RT-PCR + chest X-ray Leucocyte 7400/mm3, lymphocyte 2400/mm3. Hb 14 g/dl. PC 408,000/mm3, d-Dimer 556 ng/ml. Ferritin 544 ng/ml, CRP 2.04 mg/dl, Fibrinogen 6.8 g/dl Negative bacteriological and viral tests Increased total protein (86 mg/dL), cell count: 3x106/L Demyelinating AIDP Brain: leptomeningeal enhancement in midbrain and cervical spine IVIG 400 mg/kg/day (5 days) Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, ceftriaxon Motor improvement but persistence of paraesthesia Farzi et al. [18] RT-PCR + chest CT L