We performed a systematic review according to the SALSA (Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, and Analysis) analytic framework [65]. We screened in PubMed and Google Scholar databases for all case descriptions of GBS associated with COVID-19 that were published from January 1st 2020 up to July 20th 2020. Keywords (including all commonly used abbreviations of these terms) used in the search strategy were as follows: [“acute autoimmune neuropathy” OR “acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy” OR “acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy,” OR “acute inflammatory polyneuropathy” OR “Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy” OR “Guillain–Barre Syndrome” OR “Guillain–Barre” OR ““Miller–Fisher” OR “Bickerstaff encephalitis” OR “AIDP” OR “AMAN” OR “AMSAN” OR polyneuritis cranialis] AND [“COVID-19” OR “Wuhan coronavirus” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “novel coronavirus 2019” OR “SARS” OR “SARS-CoV-2”]. Suitable references were also identified in the authors’ archives of scientific literature on GBS. We restricted our search to studies published in English, Spanish, or Italian. Publications that were not peer-reviewed were excluded from this study. PRISMA criteria were applied. For each case, we extracted data concerning demographic and clinical variables, results of diagnostic investigations, and outcome. If the GBS clinical variant [57] or the electrophysiological subtype [61] was not explicitly reported in the paper, we reconstructed it, when possible, from reported details. We also classified the diagnostic certainty of all cases according to the Brighton Criteria [66]. Searches were performed by SAR, AA, and MF. The selection of relevant articles was shared with all authors.