Bracaglia et al. [10] RT-PCR (normal chest CT) Elevated CPK (461 U/L, normal < 145), CRP 5,65 mg/dL (normal < 0.5), lymphocyto- penia (0·68 × 109/L, normal 1·10–4), mild increase of LDH (284 U/L, normal < 248), GOT and GPT (549 and 547 U/L, normal < 35), elevation of IL-6 (11 pg/mL, normal < 5.9) Negative anti-ganglioside antibodies; negative microbiologic testing on CSF and serum for HSV1-2, EBV, VZV, CMV, HIV, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae and Borrelia. Increased total protein (245 mg/dL) and increased cell count: 13 cells/mm3, polymorphonucleate 61.5% Demyelinating AIDP NA IVIG 400 mg/kg (5 days) Hydroxychloroquine, ritonavir, darunavir Improvement of UL and LL weakness, development of facial diplegia