We provide a brief description of the survey results by select characteristics in Table 1. As shown, non-Hispanic Whites make up just under two thirds of the sample (63.65%, n = 2793). Black/African American respondents constitute 14.2% of the sample (n = 623), while 11.62% (n = 510) are Hispanic/Latinx. SHUR respondents are disproportionately cisgender women (70.85%, n = 3109), and the majority are under the age of 65; only 8.61% (n = 378) are 65 years of age or older. While slightly more than half of the respondents worked full-time or part-time, three in ten were not in the labor force, and about one in ten were in the labor force but were unemployed and looking for work at the time of the survey. Table 1 Selected characteristics of SHUR respondents Percent Number x̅ (range) Race and ethnicity   Non-Hispanic White 63.65 2793   Non-Hispanic Black 14.20 623   Hispanic/Latinx 11.62 510   American Indian and Alaskan Native 1.39 61   Asian 3.81 167   Other/multiple 5.33 234 Gender identity   Cisgender man 24.52 1076   Cisgender woman 70.84 3109   Gender fluid 3.08 135   Transgender man 0.84 37   Transgender woman 0.73 32 Age category   18–24 19.25 845   25–34 27.59 1211   35–44 20.92 918   45–54 13.69 601   55–64 9.93 436   65 and older 8.61 378 Work status   Not in the labor force 32.71 1390   Unemployed, looking for work 12.31 523   Working for pay, part time < 30 h/week 15.65 665   Working for pay, full time > =30 h/week 39.34 1672 Usual source of care   Community clinic/health center 26.59 1167   Doctor’s office 42.36 1859   Emergency room 11.37 499   Outpatient department such as urgent care 11.07 486   No usual source of care 7.97 350   Some other place 0.64 28 Reports unmet need for medical care 37.72 1639   Often feels left out     Strongly disagree 10.64 453     Disagree 18.06 769     Agree nor disagree 29.56 1259     Agree 15.45 658   Strongly agree 26.30 1120 Has experienced racial discrimination 14.42 633 Consciously acts in ways to make sure you do not live up to racial stereotypes   Never 34.04 1464   Sometimes 42.46 1826   Always 23.51 1011 Worries about housing   Never 31.67 1362   Sometimes 41.90 1802   Always 26.44 1137 Worries about paying medical bills   Never 41.32 1777   Sometimes 39.55 1701   Always 7.95 823 Worries someone they know will become a victim of police brutality   Never 53.99 2322   Sometimes 33.04 1421   Always 12.97 558 Has had a negative encounter with the police 56.86 2495 Mean medical mistrust score 4380 29.19 (12–60) Mean overall respect rating 4318 7.03(2–10)