As shown in Figure 5, it was observed that residues favoring the binding of the polyphenols with RdRp include Asp452, Arg553, Arg555, Val557, Asp618, Pro620, Lys621, Asp623, Arg624, Asp760, Asp761, and Glu811, Asp833, and Arg836. Most of these residues are located in the binding site of RdRp and can form direct contacts with polyphenols and remdesivir. Figure 5 shows that amino acids Pro620, Asp761 and Lys798 for RdRp/remdesivir; Asp452, Arg553, Pro620 and Lys621 for RdRp/EGCG; Ile548, Arg555, Thr556, Asp761 and Arg836 for RdRp/TF3; Glu811, His816, Asp833 and Tyr877 for RdRp/TF2b; Lys551, Arg553, Arg555 and Asp618 for RdRp/TF2a contributed more favorably towards the binding by contributing more than −1.0 kcal/mol in size.