The Taiwan NHIS, established in 1995, provides universal health coverage with a coverage rate of 99.9% and accessible health services to all people. The NHIS database has recently been integrated with Immigration and Customs databases, creating a platform for big data analytics that allows real‐time alerts to be generated during hospital visits based on an individual’s travel history and clinical symptoms to facilitate rapid case identification and diagnosis. The system also uses app and AI software, including QR code scanning and online reporting, to check on individual travel histories during the previous 14 days. People at higher risk levels are asked to self‐quarantine at home, with their current position tracked via their mobile phone to ensure compliance with quarantine restrictions (Wang et al. 2020). The asymptomatic nature of some cases during the early stage of infection has led the CECC to update control measures, including the announcement on 1st April of a new policy urging people to practice social distancing in public spaces by keeping a distance of at least 1 metre outdoors and 1.5 metre indoors (Taiwan Centers for Disease Control 2020, 2020c).