Figure 1 Two simplified routes of the fate of an encapsulated virus are shown. Either route (A–D) or route (A–I) can be followed. (A). The virus with spike proteins comprising of N-glycan moieties on the protein (red and green) is presented. (B). A potential host cell presents glycan-recognizing lectins on its bilipid membrane surface. (C). The virus glycan array binds to the host cell lectins and membrane fusion is initiated and after phagocytosis, virus replication follows. (D). Host cell destruction takes place with the subsequent release of new virus particles. (E). The virus is intercepted by dendritic cells before it can interact with the host cell membrane. The dendritic cells label the virus with cytokines CD4+/CD8+ (green and orange symbols), and (G). presents the cytokine-labeled virus to T-cells. (H). T-cells recognize the CD4+/CD8+ labels and phagocytose the virus that is destroyed in the T-cell lysosomes. (I). Only inactive, non-pathogenic viral degradation products remain.