7. Conclusions and Perspective Humanity is faced with an unprecedented pandemic. It is the best-documented pandemic that the world has seen and this makes it different from previous, historic pandemics. However, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has elicited a concerted, world effort to attempt and curb the effect of the pandemic. If a cynical view is taken, humanity has to realize that this will not be the last pandemic and that potentially worse pandemics will be seen in the future. The cusp of antibiotic resistance against many infectious diseases is currently being reached, yet there are even fewer defenses against viral infections. However, nature has provided an abundance of tools, which with human ingenuity and unselfish behavior, can contribute greatly to the prevention of pandemics or at least help to control the spread of these pandemics. Seen only from an antiviral perspective, many efforts that were launched against other microorganisms can also be effectively applied against viruses. Significant research efforts are focused on the treatment of coronaviruses and these will continue. Of special interest is the employment of antiviral polysaccharide to create virucidal drugs and vaccines. These efforts are aimed primarily at in vivo situations and treatment. It is suggested that many of the in vivo knowledge can be applied to ex vivo, the passive effort against pathogens. It is known that host cells and viruses interact through glycoprotein and polysaccharide-based interactions. Therefore, the pharmacological effort is attempting to disrupt these interactions or the cellular effects that are seen after the virus and host membrane has indeed merged and the viral mechanism is put into motion. The human body is a harsh environment and drug delivery and drug development meet these challenges head-on. These include, for example, resistance to absorption of therapeutic agents into the body or degradation of therapeutic agents once they are absorbed into the body. A clever strategy that is being followed against virus-host cell interaction is to exploit the polysaccharide-lectin recognition system. In vivo efforts have shown that administered polysaccharide-based drugs can serve effectively as decoy binding targets for viruses. Thus, the interaction with membrane-seated viral recognition mechanisms can be circumvented. Another approach is to induce immunity by presenting polysaccharides or oligosaccharides that represent viral glycoproteins of a specific, or numerous, pathogen(s) to B- and T-cells. These cells will recognize the xenobiotic polysaccharide and activate the immune system cascade and recognize further viruses and eliminate them. If successful, memory cells will be formed and become active when the antigen-antibody, polysaccharide-lectin, interaction occurs in a future infection. Our suggestion is almost unsophisticated. It is inferred that several surfaces and substrates can be exploited as nanotraps for viruses, outside of the body. It might not be farfetched to suggest that the naturally occurring GAGs will be sufficient to gain positive antiviral results. GAGs are naturally occurring and abundantly available and are suitable to LbL nanocoating in their crude, unrefined state. It might seem obvious that a layer-by-layer nanocoating strategy will work. However, literature and patent literature surveys have not revealed a significant effort toward antiviral nanocoatings. From the abundant bactericidal reports, it can be deduced that the LbL technique will produce antiviral surfaces. However, we foresee success because surface recognition mechanisms between organisms, hosts, and guests, rely on similar principles and that is protein-polysaccharide interactions. It is known that numerous polysaccharides have shown antiviral properties and hold significant promise as therapeutic agents. It is suggested to LbL-nanocoat the polysaccharides onto several environmental structures with which humans come into contact daily. We are also optimistic enough to state that researchers in an industry can be successful in this effort since the technique of LbL nanocoating is straightforward, robust, and based on many types of intermolecular forces that can almost guarantee adhesion of materials to a surface of any kind. Numerous examples of LbL nanocoating have been found and described that coat commonly encountered surfaces and produce antibacterial and antifungal actions. Investigation of the antiviral effects of polysaccharide LbL coatings should be investigated and developed. This is an aspect of LbL nanocoating that has not been investigated to a large extent and is a very lucrative option for antiviral research and industrial cooperation. The human, airborne coronavirus are ideal targets for this endeavor. Polysaccharides, in vivo or ex vivo, should be explored for their antiviral applications, especially against coronavirus infections that may be recurring or more frequent in our existence.